Quote for the Day: Psalm 63:8, "My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me."

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fear Was My Giant

                                                 Written by Joann

Hard to believe that a parent can become a “giant” but they can. Maybe it’s not them directly but the situations concerning them. My giant reared it’s ugly head when this fall I suddenly was responsible for my father’s finances, assisted living care and well-being.

In a matter of a few hours, fear gripped me and stood before me as a giant of huge pro-portions. My whole life began to revolve around this fear. I was afraid of phone calls, especially if the area code started with 517. Even mail delivery became a source of dread, what new crisis would arrive that would need my attention to resolve.

God’s Word says not to fear or fret about anything, but my days were consumed with both fretting and fear. My mind raced ahead to all the “what ifs”.

Then, I was reminded of young David in the Bible and his giant, Goliath. Like a light bulb going off in my head it opened my eyes. I had made this whole situation a giant! My God was bigger than my circumstances, more powerful and able to smack this giant down. Be-sides, He loved and cared for my dad and would help me do what was best for him.

When I handed this giant over to the Lord, all fear and dread were demolished, I was free. At times, the giant tries to rise again; it is very slick and knows how to stir up the old fears. But, I know my God, His power, and I quickly turn it over to Him. In God’s hands, this giant fades away to nothing.


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