Quote for the Day: Psalm 63:8, "My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me."

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Learning to go with the flow.

I got up this morning and went to the blog after my devotional and prayer time with the Lord. Somehow, the format had changed on the blog. It was blank.  “Oh, no! How do I change it back?”  So, I went to the template design and couldn’t find the background with the daisies that was on it before and the fonts were different.

I’m embarrassed to say, with all the big things we deal with and see going on in the world, panic hit me about this little thing. I am not very good at this blog design yet.  My daughter helped me set it up when she was here over Christmas. But, she is not here and I need someone to show me not tell me.  Panic, panic! 

Then, the still small voice of the Lord, calmed me right down.  “Be still, and know I am God.” Even in the small things, like this, that seem to derail us, He is God. He cares. He is there to help.  If we are in Christ, we can say what Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

Okay. Back on target. Peace!

I still didn’t find the daisies, but found something that would do until I can get ahold of my daughter.  And…that’s okay.  There is a lot more important things to take care of than the background of a blog, though I do really enjoy it. 

Why is it that we panic first, then pray last?  I want to get to the point that no matter what blindsides me, my first instinct is to pray, not panic.  I’m so thankful the Lord is patient with us. 

Blessings and Peace, 

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